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  1. Dynamic theme change is possible only with loosing components local state When theme styles are re-calculated - all components should be re-rendered. Currently it can be done via re-mounting components tree, please see [#47].

    Note: it is not issue if you are using state container like Redux and can easily re-render app in the same state

  2. Dynamic orientation change is not supported Please see [#9] for more details.

  3. Old RN versions (< 0.43) can crash the app with percent values RN >= 0.43 supports percent values natively ([#32]) and EStyleSheet since 0.5.0 just proxy percent values to RN as is ([#77]) to keep things simple. Older RN versions (< 0.43) can't process percents and EStyleSheet process such values. So if you are using RN < 0.43, you should stick to EStyleSheet@0.4.0.